Streamline compliance with Holistic AI

Align with the requirements of New York City’s AI Bias Audit Law (Local Law 144) with an efficient audit of your AEDT

What is the New York City Bias Audit Law?

Enforced from 5 July 2023, the NYC Bias Audit Law (officially titled Local Law 144) requires employers and employment agencies Automated Employment Decision Tools (AEDTs) within the city to have the tools audited annually for bias across protected characteristics by an independent third-party. The law applies to employers or employment agencies using such tools, but will also affect vendors, and includes systems ranging from resume filtering to advanced candidate assessment tools.

Meet the law's requirements with ease

Quickly and easily meet the requirements of the law and demonstrate your organization's commitment to fair and responsible hiring practices

Minimize cost

Reduce risk of financial penalties, legal liability, and bolster reputation

Promote fair outcomes

Minimize the risk of bias and strengthen compliance with equal opportunity laws

Build trust

Our solution demonstrates a commitment to responsible AI practices, reinforcing customer and stakeholder trust

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Navigate the New York City Bias Audit Law with confidence

Audit your systems for bias

Identify potential cases of bias across your AI systems and receive customized mitigation strategies

Summary of results

Receive a summary of results to publish on your website, fulfilling the requirements of the law and demonstrating the results of your bias audit to key stakeholders

Ongoing support

Continuous access to our team of leading AI experts and support in stakeholder communication

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What is a bias audit

A bias audit is an evaluation of an automated employment decision tool that aims to identify and mitigate any biases that may exist in the tool's design or implementation. The audit is carried out by an independent third-party auditor who examines the tool's algorithms, data inputs, and decision-making processes to determine whether they produce fair and impartial outcomes.

What is an Automated Employment Decision Tool (AEDT)?

An automated employment decision tool is a computational process that uses machine learning, statistical modeling, data analytics, or artificial intelligence to aid or automate decision-making for employment-related decisions. The tool produces a simplified output, such as a score, classification, or recommendation, that employers can use to screen, evaluate, or select candidates for employment or promotion.

What are some examples of an Automated Employment Decision Tool?

Examples of automated employment decision tools include:

  • Resume screening tools: These tools use algorithms to analyze resumes and job applications to identify the most qualified candidates for a particular role.
  • Video interviews: Recorded interviews scored using algorithms based on features extracted from candidate responses, which assess the candidates' communication skills, body language, and other factors.
  • Game-based/image-based assessments: Algorithmically scored tools that leverage games or images to assess candidates' cognitive abilities, personality traits, and other attributes that are relevant to a particular job.
  • Systems that rank candidates: These systems use algorithms to rank candidates based on their suitability for a particular position or how well they meet specific criteria. The systems may use data from resumes, applications, interviews, or other sources to generate a ranking.

Are there any exemptions to the NYC Bias Audit Law?

The NYC Bias Audit law, also known as Local Law 144, applies to all employers or employment agencies that use automated employment decision tools to evaluate candidates for employment or employees for promotion that reside in New York City and does not provide any exemptions based on the size of the organization or its revenue. Therefore, all employers, regardless of their size or type, are required to comply with the law and conduct a bias audit of their AEDTs. This includes conducting a comprehensive analysis of hiring, promotion, and retention policies and procedures to identify and address any potential biases that may exist. Failure to comply with the law may result in penalties and fines imposed by DCWP. When audits identify violations of human rights laws, cases will be referred to the New York City Commission on Human Rights.

Key Resources & Insights

Reach out to discuss NYC Bias audit for your company

Schedule a call to start your bias audit journey and minimize the risk of financial penalties

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